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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Weight history

Found this picture of me from 1996 - it was in a flyer for the place I worked for at the time (thus the black and white) - this is me at my heaviest - I was at that weight from about 1996 to 2002
 I am amazed as I have looked back over the pictures and the weight history I could find for myself, amazed to find that I stayed at my highest weight for over 6 years, through two pregnancies!

Dec 2010 - at my heaviest in 5 years
 This is one of the only pictures I can find from just over a year ago, when I was at my highest weight since losing over 100 lbs in 2003-2004...  I was about 10 lbs lighter in this picture than I guess I was in the black and white one...  I wore smaller clothes than I did near my heaviest because I was/am more toned, but still the scale didn't lie that I was way too close to being at my all time heaviest again...

Dec 2011 - about 26 lbs down
A year of TrekDesk walking and changing my eating habits, and I am down over 32 lbs from Dec 2010 - just a few pounds away from being my lightest in over 3 years...  When I hit that point,  I will post another picture...

I love looking back and stuff like this, it shows where I have been & where I don't want to go back to...

I have also looked today back over my history since I started tracking body fat percentage (when I learned more about why it is important taking my nutrition certification class) - and since September I have lost 11 lbs and maintained my Lean Body Mass - so all 11 lbs were of fat!  That is good, means I am doing what I am supposed to do - eating correctly to release and burn stored body fat!


  1. Its interesting, just yesterday I was looking for a profile photo for myself. My search took me through a bunch of old photos of myself. I have an disturbing array of photos of myself at my heaviest too.
    I really like the new fitter - slimmer me looks.
    You look great BTW!!!

    1. It is good to have old pictures of ourselves to look back on and hopefully serve as a reminder why our new habits are so good for us!

      You look great - keep up the good work!
