My setup at work

My setup at work


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Thursday, August 9, 2012


Here I am at work this morning and all I can think of is eating something... Do I need to eat right now?  No... I at a decent and balanced breakfast just two hours ago, I shouldn't need to eat anything else for another hour...

The mental hunger drives me nuts... Causes me to graze on stuff that I don't need to be eating...  The red vines in the other room, the cookies at home, the junk that is just around - mind you I am working on clearing out some of the stuff at home so there will be better choices around - not junk...

So for now, I blog to share my feelings, as I know others are out there with the same feelings - I am not alone in that...  I walk at my trekdesk - because it is hard to reach the redvines in the other room while walking at my Trekdesk.  And I sip at my water bottle, and chew some gum...

Time to eat will come soon enough and hopefully it will satisfy that little guy in my head that is telling me I need to eat sooner than I should...

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