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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wish it was simple...

I wish it was simple...
I wish pain was as simple as having an ache or pain and a little flag would come up and say "this is from exercise class" or "this is because you are still carrying too much weight on your frame" or "your walking at your trekdesk is hurting your joints..."

If it was only that simple...

Why do I ask this?  Well my knees - BOTH of them started hurting yesterday, but I don't know why - I understand why on my right side where my sprained ankle is, but I don't understand it on the left side...  Thoughts that go through my head are similar to the ones above - is it from what we did in Zumba on Monday, from still carrying about 40 lbs too much on my frame, from my repetitive walking at my trekdesk, or from the jogging I did at the parade on Saturday (to catch up with the float we were walking with - when I had slowed down to interact with a child I was handing candy to...)  So many variables - no answers...  I guess I just keep taking it easy in exercise class, and listen to my body for everything else (still keeping up with my 5 miles a day at work) and hope that it feels better soon...

I really don't want to have an injury limit me any more - I am already tapered back from what I would really like to be doing...

Which gets me thinking of other things that I CAN be doing - adding some weight workouts - something that will work on burning fat, toning my body, and be gentle on my knees and ankles that I don't want to risk any more injury to...

Time to try to focus on that some more a few times a week...  Perhaps that will be what will make the difference in where the scale is STUCK...

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