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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Walking with the kids

I LOVE, LOVE, Love the time spent walking with the kids - they either walk along with me, or ride a bike or a scooter while coming along with me...  7 days in a row so far

8/4 - Matthew with me for 5k - earned the Run with Rover virtual medal
8/5 - Jenna with me for 2 miles
8/6 - Jenna and Matthew with me for 5k - earned the Running with Angels virtual medal
8/7 - Jenna and Matthew with me for 5k
8/8 - Jenna with me (while Matthew was sick) 5k
8/9 - Jenna with me (while Matthew was sick) 5k
8/10 - Jenna and Matthew on bikes - 4 miles
That's 7 days in a row so far - hoping to add lots more to that!

Outside walking for July

So Baseball/softball took it's toll on my walking outside - I got really behind on my walking to earn all the virtual event medals I had ordered - but we have been catching up...

This post is a record of the ones that I did in July (one had a kiddo along - the rest were just me) :)

10k Mt Tum Tum Fun Run - Cindy Solo 
5k Spring into Action virtual event 7/24 - Cindy 
5k - Life without music would bFlat Virtual event - Cindy 7/26 
5k - Independence Day virtual event - 7/29 - Cindy 
5k - Running Mad virtual event with Shay on 7/30 
Summary of the ones that we did in July and I haven't had time to post about...