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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Juice fast update

So I am 5.5 days into my juice fast and I am down 9.5 lbs and feeling pretty good... The most exciting thing was this morning SEEING a change in my torso - my stomach/rib area is more defined... That makes me feel so good!

I honestly cringe at the smell of my juice now, but with the exception of the bottom of the glass, it tastes way better than it smells - which is a good thing...

I am planning ahead to starting to eat again tonight... Planning a salad and maybe a bit of chicken breast. From what I have read online they say to ease back into solids to give your digestive system a chance to adjust.  So waiting to have fleshy meats, and too much dairy is what is recommended...  I will try different things a bit at a time and see how I feel... Hoping to not make any mistakes along the way...  And if I do, I will be sure to learn from them - because what good are mistakes if we don't learn from them?

I plan to try to continue to have at least one juice a day to get in the vegetables that I really don't care for eating... Yes I will eat actual salads daily, but I can't eat 4 large carrots, an apple, a cup of spinach, a beet, and 1/2 a cucumber in one sitting, like I can in one juice...  So there is a point there to be taken for myself...

I will sign off for now with a saying that I found on the net last night - Not eating is EASY, it's the eating that is difficult!

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